Ready for influencer secrets exposed?! Almost nothing your favorite influencers post is in real time! The perfectly edited posts that appear to be spontaneous are most likely planned out and crafted to look in the moment. They want you to think they are always looking great and having fun 24/7. Truth is, their lives are planned out! They treat social media like a business and have a plan. And thats the difference between the people who are making money online vs the average stay at home mom who wants to but isn’t.
Majority of the time their is nothing spontaneous or in the moment about what you are seeing. Every post is carefully planned, edited, drafted, scheduled, and than executed posts. I’m gonna say it again. Treat your business like a business if you want it to provide income.
Now lets face it, social media is quite distracting. We all have been guilty of opening up our phones and scroll for hours with out a second thought. And this can create chaos in other area’s of our lives.
That is why it is crucial we find balance and we uncover effective ways to work online without it taking away from our personal lives, family interactions and our mental health.
Here are a few tips to help you stay consistent on social media, without it taking over your life.
Doesn’t it always come back to goals?! Before opening up your go to social media app, set a goal and put some perimeters around your time. Having this commitment before hand will help you stick to you schedule.
Maybe you only want to show up for a minute on stories each day and do 2 to 3 in-feed IG posts. Or maybe you need to be showing up every day to promote your offers and announce important news to your followers. Either way it’s completely fine, just decide and stick to it.
Pro Tip: write your captions for posts before hand outside of the app, that way when you are on social media you are being productive and sticking to the schedule and not getting sucked into the scroll.
Instead, try setting a timer for 15-20 minutes and open the app for just that amount of time. Just like any other part of a business, time blocking works best for engaging online. Whether you want to spend some time responding to DMs or comments, or engaging on others’ posts, create a boundary that keeps you on track so you don’t fall down the rabbit hole.
Taking even just one day off a week allows you to recharge your batteries and center yourself.
As much goodness as social media can bring to our lives, it also breeds anxiety, fear, comparison, and depression. Intentionally stepping away every once in a while will allow you to participate and build other areas of your life that offer rich experiences and real life relationships.
Plus, sometimes taking a break makes us more productive when we return. If you’re feeling burnt out from social media, pay attention, step away, and reflect on what truly matters. Come back when you’re feeling ready and have outlined some online boundaries and you may find you have more motivation to interact and show up for your community after the break.
Don’t become so consumed with posting to social media and having a thriving life on line, that you forget to actually live life offline. Offline, in my opinion should always be the first priority and where we strive to remain present and pursue meaningful relationships and experiences.
Social Media is meant to add to our lives and our business, but be aware of it when its creeping into and becomes a sole purpose or pursuit. Its meant to share not to take over. As always, boundaries are good and they are needed. Especially in a space that’s seems to have no boundaries naturally.
I believe in you and know you can make the necessary adjustments to live a full life while maintaining a social presence on social!