Getting Rapunzel-like strands is no easy feat— ask anyone who’s gobbled down countless biotin pills and vitamin E supplements only to be greeted with the same lackluster strands can share their frustrations!
There are a lot of factors that contribute to hair growth (or lack thereof), Here are my personal tips to how I have maintained healthy hair that is sustainable!
Before washing
try to stretch between washes before you wash,
brush your scalp really well with boar bristle
brush do scalp treatment at least 1-2 x a month
During washing
use fingertips (not nails) to massage scalp when shampooing
alternate shampoos to give your hair moisture as well as strength
use a deep conditioner at least 1-2x a month
After washing
apply products right away while hair is super wet
always blow dry roots and leave ends to air dry
only apply heat 1-2x a week at most learn braids, buns, other no heat styles to replace heated styles
Other Tips
try not to lighten your ends
trim it less often
be patient
get healthy nutrients in your diet and supplements
for hair loss see a doctor or track hair loss surrounding stress, hormone changes, illness, ect. sleep on silk pillowcase to avoid damage and prolong life of curls
Healthy hair = hair GROWTH
How to wash your Hair:
- shampoo your scalp only, not your hair.
- scrub your scalp with the pads of your fingers (not your nails) scrub fairly hard with your fingertips to work the shampoo into your head. This will help remove all the oil and building up off your head and unclog follicles so they can breathe and continue to grow healthy hair
- only wash the hair up on your scalp, you don’t need to wash the hair midway down to the ends.
- if you have blonde hair , dyed or not… 1-2x a month wash with purple shampoo. This is the only time its acceptable to apply shampoo to all your hair. Apply in a down ward motions and don’t rough up your hair cuticles with scrubbing… purple shampoo will cancel out the greenish or yellowing and keep those blonde locks cool
- let purple shampoo sit in 5-7 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water keeping hand movements and water going downward. This helps protect your cuticle and prevent split ends or breakage
- if you go 7 days in between washing your hair you should wash it twice
Hair masque:
- 1-2x a month you should use a a hair masque between the washing and the conditioning, a mask with keratin is recommended…. But don’t use keratin to often, its like taking to much medicine…but… if used appropriately its good for healing hair.
- Apply majority of product from mid strand down then go back to the tope with whats left on your hands
- let mask sit in hair for 5 minutes to work magic rinse away in a downward motion
Conditioning your hair:
- apply regular conditioner from mid-strand down then use left-over on top
- last rinse… rinse the bottoms well… but don’t sit there and rinse for more than 1 minutes. You don’t want to strip your hair to much of the conditioner, its there to protect.
- at end of washing, blast hair with cold water to seal cuticle down
- then squeeze water out of hair with towel. You don’t want to rough it up with your towel that causes damage
- brush using a de-tangler brush and use a leave in conditioner to keep from damaging hair when wet (when its wet is it most susceptible to damage)
- gently brush from the bottoms and work your way up
- then apply any anti frizz or leave in treatment of your choice, always use a leave in treatment
Products that HEAL your hair from the inside & outside
# 1 wash hair correctly
# 2 leave in products is a must especially for ends… if you leave your hair with no products you are exposing to all elements and with no protection
#3 go longer between washes if you have dry hair
#4 lay off the dying and the styling. Air dry as often as can, blow dry roots when you can’t air dry. Don’t blow dry flat that makes more oil, dry against the roots, meaning flip your hair upside down, or flip hair to other side while drying sections
#5 color hair less. Choose a color and commit to it. To much dying and changing colors increased damage, especially when you go from dark to light.
Pro tip: usually you look best with the color that you were when you were about 3-5 years old… do low maintenance treatments on your roots which means you are only getting hair done every 12 weeks
#6 When growing hair out only cut hair 4 times a year. Be very specific with hair stylist that they are just cutting off the dead ends were talking like 1/4- 1/2 inch at the most… be specific with hair dresser..
#7 Take supplements to increase healthy hair from the inside to outside, my MOST recommended product for anything beauty related is collagen, not all collagen is created equal, see my collagen guide
don’t use grocery store products, majority of those will dry out and damage your hair, when possible try to use salon grade products, there are many options out there you can find at affordable prices. see the products I use & recommend on the next page
- My number one thing I recommend for a healthy hair supplement is not biotin or any concoctions of vitamins…. its COLLAGEN!!! There are many collagen products our there and by far is the number one product that has contributed to my healthy hair & BONUS… dramatically changes my skin at the same time!!! I will take this supplement every day for the rest of my life, to say I am obsessed is an understatement. But not all Collagen is created equal so I’ve done the research for you!! I have a whole page directed toward Collagen comparison, education and information. Although the particular collagen that I use and recommend is not for hair growth nor makes any claims about hair, it is the best collagen out there and is a Beauty Focused collagen which is why i recommend it even thought it’s not for hair growth. click here for a free sample of the only Collagen that I trust
- For washing and conditioning I use the Moisture shampoo from Nuskin and the Weightless Conditioner and I alternate withe ageLoc Scalp & Hair Treatment. * special note: these Nuskin products are not for “hair growth”. They do how ever: • Delivers vital nutrients to the scalp and roots. • Helps restore healthy, strong, soft hair. • Makes hair look and feel fuller.
- directly after shower use a detangling spray and a detangling brush, to brush out hair…… I like the Replenish from Lange for my detangle treatment
then use a balm and serum for your leave in treatment to add moisture and then a serum to protect that moisture. I mixed my balm and serum together in my palm and then apply to my hair starting mid length to the ends, and any residual left over on my hands I’ll lightly ad into the top near my scalp - I like Lange Sorbet balm and then Satin Nectar for the serum
Hair masque I use the Silk Venom
and every now and then if I need some texture I spray in a salt and sea spray.
To Download our Hair Growth PDF and see before and after pictures click here