“I’m not good enough.”
“I don’t have time.”
“My audience size is not where it should be.”
These are just some of the lies we tell ourselves on a daily basis to keep us “safe” and comfortable. But the reality is you are sitting on a goldmine and you don’t even know it. Or maybe you do know it and you are ready to transform your lifestyle and your business, but you don’t know exactly how.
That’s where we come in! I’m going to share all the reasons why you need to stop saying no to your future and how and why you should be building and launching that online course this year.
Now, there are some obvious reasons why you should create and launch an online course, but sometimes it can be tough to know the steps you have to take. That’s why in this post we will cover the benefits of getting started and give you some proven resources to help you get one step closer to growing your online empire.
Are you ready to change your lifestyle and to go after those secret goals you have of creating your own online empire, keep reading.
I’m stating this as number 1 because to me this is my favorite thing about having an online course, freedom and flexibility. Not only can this type of business help you create financial freedom, because it can definitely do that, but it can also give you control over your schedule and flexibility on where you work and when you work.
Want to take a winter and work from a beach on a tropical island, not a problem. Need to take a month off for some family time, you can do that! With creating and launching an online course these things are not just possible, they are planable and it gives you control over your work life balance.
Speaking of work life balance, there are very few careers or jobs that can give you the opportunity to achieve this. Whether you are climbing the corporate ladder in your 9-5, own your own business a provide services, influencing on Instagram or freelancing as a blogger, it is very difficult to find this mystical lifestyle.
Let’s break it down, I think the 9-5 corporate hustle needs no explanation when it comes to how hard it is to find work life balance, main reason, you are not in control and constantly playing office politics to achieve a little bit of that management roll or you are working your bum off to help someone else accomplish their dream lifestyle. Understanding this is kind of a no brainer.
The ones that sneak up on you though is when you own your own gig. If you own a traditional business, service provider or some kind of brick and mortar operation, you often feel a lot more pride and ownership, but as every business owner knows you are usually the first to arrive, the last to leave, and employees do not care about your business as much as you do. Sad but true. With this kind of dedication to your own success the demand can take over and life becomes a lot more work with a lot less balance, which is probably why you wanted to be the boss in the first place.
The one that is even worse then owning your own business, is being a slave to your social media! The life of a blogger or an influencer seems magical and just about as perfect as it gets. Companies sending you free items, or paying you to promote their brands, who doesn’t want that right?? What you don’t see behind that carefully created facade is the constant hustle and grind of pitching, negotiating and executing all those brand collaborations. And what’s worse, is when the collab is done, you have to start all over again and go find another brand to work with or you won’t have any income. I have nothing against making a career as an influencer or blogger. It serves a giant purpose for my business and others, but if you don’t have your own products then you really are at the mercy of other brands and constantly chasing work.
With an online course, you have something you own, its yours, created one time that you can market and sale over and over and over again. It’s a lot of work, don’t get me wrong, but once that initial heaving lifting is done then you have a product with almost zero overhead that can provide you with limitless financial potential and BONUS, it can add an automated revenue generating aspect to any business.
I’m going to be 100% real with you. Your online course will not be a source of passive income on your very first launch. There are many steps you need to take before you turn your online course evergreen. (Evergreen means renewable, or repeatable, or consistently automates)
Most likely you are going to have to launch your online course live a few times before you can leave it for open enrollment year-round. This can help you make sure that everything is converting properly and set up for optimal results, like your sales page and your emails and funnel.
But once everything is hitting the target margins and conversions, then you can set it on autopilot and let it make you money while you sleep. THere is nothing better then going to bed and waking up to bank deposit notifications on your phone in the morning. Once your course is preforming well, a little marketing and basic maintenance can make you money for a very long time.
An online course is incredible scalable as a product because it doesn’t require your direct one on one time or attention. Which basically means you can serve more people at one time.
As a coach, online or in person, you typically meet with people 1:1 or if you’re lucky, 1:10. Your income is entirely limited to the number of hours you have and can work in a day. That means if you want to increase your income, you need to work more hours.
Since we all have only 24 hours in a day and some have to be devoted to sleeping, eating , and general living requirements, if you can’t increase your working hours, or maximize your coach to client ratio, the only other option you have to increase your income is to raise your rates. And even if you are able to accomplish a rate increase, and can increase your clientele willing to pay the higher rates, you will likely run into the initial problem of not having enough time to serve the number of clients you want.
If this is a vicious cycle you are ready to exit, then…
An online course is your answer.
Having uncapped earning potential is extremely nice and I have yet to hear anyone complain about making more money, but if you work to serve a higher purpose and truly are in the business of helping others, then an online course will help you serve more people and make a bigger impact in this world.
Let’s just say, for example, your offer 1:1 coaching or service. And lets say you have maxed our your services to the highest price point it can be sold at. This may achiever your personal financial goals, but you are only able to affect those individuals that have the ability to work with you individually. One on one is great, but you’re robbing a whole world of people out there who could benefit from what it is you do.
By packaging your knowledge and expertise into a model where anyone can sign up, learn and can replicate the results for themselves will make you and your influence way more accessible.
An online course can attract new customers to your business and extend your reach by providing alternatives to working with you in a one on one model.
Just be sure that your online course topic is something that your audience would pay you money for. If you are not sure what your course should be about or how to find your course topic, we have a free guide to help you find, YOUR GOLDEN IDEA: Finding Your Online Course Topic.
Just click right here to grab it and get started.
Last but not least, an online course is one of the best ways to set your business up for long-term success. Not only is it a scalable product, but it can also be easily updated to fit whatever is relevant in the future.
It’ll also put you in the CEO position, where you’ll have more time to work on the long-term vision of your business instead of getting caught up in the day-to-day tasks. In other words, an online course allows you to stay proactive instead of reactive.
Talk about working smarter.
Aside from the professional growth opportunities, creating and launching an online course can greatly contribute to a number of your personal growth opportunities as well.
A happy side benefit of creating a course is building more self confidence. Think about it, this is probably uncharted territory for you. You’re going to have to stumble through some new and uncertain experiences and stretch yourself to learn some new skills.
Not only will you be challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone and do something different, but once you’ve gone through the process of developing and launching your online course, you will have gained a wealth of knowledge in other areas of business as well.
Which leads us to….
While you certainly don’t have to be an expert to create and launch an online course…
Doing so will definitely elevate your status and position you as an expert in the field of your online course’s topic.
Part of launching your online course is marketing it effectively. And when your online course has helped your students achieve the transformation that they desire, the general public will have proof that you know exactly what you’re talking about.
So not only can your online course increase visibility, but it’ll also build your credibility and establish you as an authority in your field.
It’s 2023, and building a community is more important than ever. If you don’t believe me, take a look at how the landscape of marketing has changed over the years.
Since the emergence of Instagram, Influencers have held a lot of power and responsibility over influencing their followers’ purchasing decisions. And the most successful influencers are the ones who have a tight-knit, highly-engaged community.
An online course can help you grow and expand your online community by leaps and bounds. Although you don’t need a huge one to sell your online course to, your happy students will ultimately be your business’s biggest asset – word-of-mouth ambassadors.
Not to mention, having testimonials from raving students will boost your credibility and improve your online course sales. It’s a win-win if you ask me, plus….you’ll also be handsomely rewarded for all your efforts.
The online course industry is expected to reach $350 billion in 2025. This proves that online learning isn’t just a temporary solution to the global education problem but a permanent resource that makes knowledge and education more accessible.
If you’re struggling to get started, feel free to download one of the resources I shared in this post:
This is the most comprehensive way to tackle your next steps when it comes to getting your online course live and launched in 2023.
So if you’re serious about creating an online course in 2023, feel free to get your name on the waitlist at Bell University. It’s helped many entrepreneurs who sat exactly where you are right now go from burnt out and overworked, to having complete control over their finances and freedom.
Or if you’re still on the fence, browse through my blog, where you’ll find a ton of resources to help you take your first steps for free.