But where oh where do you start? How about starting at the very beginning. Your course topic. Finding & validating your course topic is the first step in creating an online course that your customers, clients and audience can’t wait to sign up for. So to find the topic that your most excited about I want you to grab a piece of paper and jot down your answers to some of these questions:
- What is a transformation you’ve personally gone through or helped a client go through
- What are some things you are consistently asked about by friends and families
- What are you already posting about on social media, your niche and content pillars
- What is your areas of passion and expertise
Chances are your course topic will lie within the answers to some of these questions. Each and every one of us has gifts and talents uniques to us. We each have been living a very unique life with its own challenges, different goals and experiences we can draw wisdom from. So while at first you might not feel like you are worthy or an “expert” in any particular area, the truth is that in order to teach an online course, you just need to be one step further along in that particular journey then the students you are wanting to teach. You only need to be just one step ahead of you ideal student in order to create a profitable course.
So let me give you a couple examples. If you are a fitness coach and you have helped clients make transformation with in their health, nutrition, or physical appearances, you can create a course! If you are a travel blogger and were able to quit your job to travel the world, you’d be able to teach a course on how to quit the 9-5 and travel blog. If you were once a stressed out messy mom and were able to dejunk your home and create a calm and soothing environment, that a course 100’s of other moms may want to pay for!
Passion and Transformation
Now you should have a pretty good size list with answers to these questions. The next step in finding the perfect course topic for yourself is to take your list and star or circle the ones that get you really excited. Creating a course online can take a bit of work, so you want to make sure you are selecting an area that you won’t get bored or that feels like a chore to talk about. You’re gonna want some momentum to help keep you going and so choosing a topic that you have some excitement or passion about is going to go along way.
After you have selected the topics that get you excited, the next thing you need to consider is which area have you personally experienced a transformation or helped someone achieve a transformation. It doesn’t matter how big or small the results were, or if it was you or even just one person. If there was a transformation involved double star or highlight this particular topic. These are the topics that will be your best course ideas.
Lastly, looking through your double starred or highlighted topics, consider if any of these are topics that friends, family or people from your social media audience have ever asked you about. If so, then there is a good chance people already think of you as someone who has knowledge in this area and you’re perfectly positioned to share that information you have.
Test the topic
Now that you have some general idea of what kind of topic you may want to create a course around, I suggest taking this topic to your following and do a little research on what your audience may think. This can be as simple as creating a poll on Instagram and giving a couple of your topic ideas and asking which area they would like to learn more about, or you can open a question box and ask “if you could learn one topic from me which would it be” Getting feedback from you audience is crucial because this is the build in community you have already created and will likely be your first students and you want to ensure that you audience will be interested in it before you spend hours creating it.
In summary: to help you through the process of validating your course topic, think about:
- Is my audience already asking about this topic often
- When I post about this topic, I get great engagement and feedback
- Do similar product exists (if other products have already been created around your topic then its a good sign there is a demand for it, don’t think of this as competition, look at it like you can add your own unique voice and perspective to the subject)
- Do you already have a freebie related to this topic your audience consumes. (a freebie is a great way to validate your topic because it requires your audience to opt-in to learn more about what you plan on teaching)
It’s time you carve out a slice online passive income pie for yourself!
Imagine having a business that pays you money when you sleep!! Passive income baby….thats what I’m talking about. Scared of tech? Don’t know where to start? No good ideas of what to create? Start here! Unlock 1M Course Creation Free yourself from self doubt, take charge of your own success, and get closer to unlimited vacation days and passive income!